Friday, March 30, 2012

My decision

So here it is...I have finally made that one big decision in my life that will change it forever. I have decided to get Gastric Bypass. I have struggled with my weight for so many years and after the loss of my baby in 2010 and being put on insulin for my diabetes, my weight has been in a steady incline. I suffer from type 2 diabetes, was put on insulin when I was pregnant December of 2009, and in January of 2010, a week before my wedding, I lost my baby when I was 8 weeks and 5 days. That was very traumatizing to me. I also have high blood pressure and and and and...the list of medical conditions continue.

So I have been thinking about getting gastric bypass for a few months but never told anyone. I then recieved an email from my mom asking me if I would reconsider it and that if I did, she would help pay for the removal of excess skin. See, I was in active process of getting it done a few years ago, but totally freaked out about it and never went through. But now that I know more people doing it and less horror stories, I am excited to get it done.

So that night I got the email from my mom, I got on the phone with our insurance company to see if it would be covered. I told it was....and covers pretty well. I was also talking with a friend via Facebook, she had recently gotten it done after a failed lap band. She recommended her doctor and I got checked with my insurance to see if she is in network and she was!!!! I got on the website, I did the online seminar and immediately filled out the application, online. The next, I think it was the next day or the day after I faxed in my insurance cards. So now...its the waiting game. Waiting for them to get the insurance information, I will then get a letter in the mail and it will give me directions on what I need to do from there. They said it should take about 2-3 weeks. Which I have been praying that it will be ALOT sooner than that. I want this SO bad, and I want it now. Luckily, school starts tomorrow and I can keep my mind busy, but it will always be there.

I haven't told very many people about this decision, but the ones I have told seem to be very supportive. Unless, they are just putting on that poker face. Its a big decision and I am sure people are worried for my saftey, but I think my health is what they should be worried about.

So there it is. That is my BIG decision in life. I will post updates along the way and there maybe some rants and raves that I need to get off my chest. So bare with me. This is going to be a long process.

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