Monday, April 2, 2012


OMG!!! I am getting so freaking impatient. I want my letter already. But I still have 1.5-2.5 weeks to go. LOL. School is starting tomorrow, so I am hoping this will keep my mind off of things.

The hardest part so far is being careful to not get pregnant. I know, TMI, but its the truth. We have to be extra careful AND I can't get pregnant until a year after surgery. Which will be fine and I am ok with that because I know that once I am healthier, I will be able to have a healthy pregnancy. So I am pretty much in that mind set right now and not really focusing on my baby fever.

Another thing that is going to come to an end or start coming to an end is my diet soda. I am a sodaholic. So once I get my letter I am going to start weaning off the soda.

....I had to save this as a draft yesterday because it got too late. So here we are 04/02/2012 @ 5pm. I am pretty much not in the best moods. Somethings are out of your control and people's reactions on situations is their problem. I have always stood by the message that you do not have to explain yourself to ANYONE! So I am not. I said what I had to say and now I am going to leave it alone. What a person does with the information and how they process the events that happened is now on them.

So anyways, school started today and I have been busy reading over the information for my online class. Holy crap...there is alot of information, but I got this. I am also trying to fight a sickness. IDK what is going on, but my throat is hurting like no one's business!!

So I am going to give this web link out to people who know what is going on and then later I will give it out to others, but right now I feel this is the best way for me to keep loved ones informed of the progress. (minus of a person or two).

I have so much on my mind right now, but this is not where I will get it all out. I don't know where or when I will do that but yeah.

I am super doooopppeeerr excited to go get my mail everyday, even though that day, like today, there could be nada in my mail box. boo hoo!

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