Sunday, April 8, 2012


I am getting more and more nervous about getting this letter from the doctor's office. I wonder if I will be denied. I mean, I really shouldn't be denied. I have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, PCOS and my BMI is like off the charts. So......but there could be that chance that the insurance company does not want me to have this surgery. Oh man. I don't know. Fortunately, with the million you tube videos I watch, I have yet to come across someone who has been denied. But bet your booty I am going to appeal if I do get denied. Ugh. This waiting game is killing me.

I am already setting my expectations to not have this surgery until September or October....BUT...after seeing many people who have had to do this 6 month weight loss thing...I want to call my insurance company and see if I have to do that so I can get started on it now.

So I have uploaded a video to YouTube. Gross!!!!!!!! I can't believe that I have let me self get like that. So disgusting.

Ok I am going to go now. I just had to get that out of my system!

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