Monday, March 3, 2014

Birth Story

So I have decided to write my birth story in the blog instead of just posting it to Facebook so that people have the option to click on a link and go read it instead of feeling forced to read it. I will try not to be so graphic. But I have had many people ask me about my birth story since I had twins vaginally. So here we go.

Sunday night 2/23/14, I was admitted to the hospital for induction. Around 11pm I had a balloon inserted into my cervix to help ripen and soften it. A balloon is inserted behind my cervix and in front of cervix, both are blown up with water. The pressure of the two balloons against my cervix does the trick. It was left in there for 12 hours. Let me just say...the whole process of having that thing inserted HURT so bad....and then was SOOOOOOOOO annoying. I kept telling Dale that I felt like a boy trying to poop, you know, they have to hold up their junk when sitting on the toilet, I had to hold a cord between my legs. UNCOMFORTABLE! Anywho,  after 12 hours I was checked and had dilated to 4cm from 1cm. They decided to take the balloons out, break A's water and start me on pitocin. That went smooth, no issues there, they asked me if I wanted to have an epidural right away, I said no, I wanted to labor for a bit without having much intervention. Why? Because with my last labor/birth, the first sign of a contraction, I wanted an epidural, and knowing this was my last pregnancy, I wanted to know what labor felt like. OH BOY DID I EVER! The contractions were good, the pain was some what tolerable, I asked for something to just take the edge off and they gave it to me. Let me tell you, I was higher than I damn kite! So funny!! I was saying funny things, acting funny, had funny faces and I told the nurse that I like her so much! But....that didn't last long, the drugs at least. Soon the contractions were right on top of each other and were becoming unbearable. So....epidural I got. Yes, my best friend. I love that damn thing. So I labored pain free, well for the most part, I could feel pressure, but the pain wasn't there. I sat at 6cm for a long time....they came and checked me again, it was only 15min in between checks, and I had gone to 9cm. So, I was wheeled into the operating room, when you have multiples, you will be delivering in the operating room just in case they need to do a c-section. Anyways, I was wheeled in at 327am 2/25/14. 1 hour and 4min later Sakura Grace was born in 3 pushes and 1 contraction. She weighed in at 3lbs 15.5 oz and 17something inches long. She immediately took 10ml of donor breast milk. She went into the next room, was being cared for by NICU nurses, not that she had anything wrong, she was just small. My mom and Tatiana got to hang out in the room with them, for 2 hours, when the finally decided to take her down to the NICU and wait for her sister to make her appearance. Well, from the time that Sakura came out I had to "labor down", meaning, labor and bring Addison into the birth canal. While that was happening, I was getting the WORST back and hip pain, THE WORST!!!!! I was pressing my epidural button, but it only releases meds every 10min when you do that, it wasn't helping, finally, the nurses convinced the anesthesiologist to come and put meds directly into my line for me, he was hesitant because he didn't think I was going to be able to push Addison out, but the pain was so bad it needed to be done. THANK GOD FOR EPIDURAL. So I labored......for 4 hours and a little bit of help from the vacuum, Addison Irene decided she wanted to show us her cute lil face. At 819am, Addison was born "sunny side up", which was the cause of my horrible back and hip pain. Lil Addi was 5lbs 1oz and 18something inches long.

Throughout this whole process I had the MOST amazing nurses and doctors!! I became really attached to my nurses Nancy and Rachel. The sweetest the ever!!!!! Nancy was my over night nurse and Rachel was my day time nurse. Nancy was able to see Sakura be born, but because Addison decided to take her sweet time, she didn't get to see her. Rachel had Tuesday off so she didn't get to see either of them. Dr. Singson delivered Sakura, and tried to stick around as long as he could to see Addison, but he had to go home, so Dr. Kim delivered Addison. Also, I had a 2 year med/nursing student shadowing my nurse who was present for Addison's delivery and this was his very first birthing experience. Some might be creeped out by that, but I am all for teaching/learning and was so happy/proud to be part of his first experience...oh and his first time holding a new born!! Amazing. Love it!!!! Anyways, back to my awesome team. Later Tuesday evening when Nancy came back to work she took her break and come to visit me in the family birth meet Addison. So amazing. So happy. I just love her!!! Then the next day when I was moved up to the 7th floor of Randall Children's Hospital, Rachel came by to see me and meet the girls. Unfortunately, I wasn't there and neither was Sakura, but she did get to meet Addi. Then...later...Dr. Singson came by to meet the baby he was supposed to deliver, but she took her sweet time.

So that is my birth story, not super crazy, but it was for sure memorable!!! And NOPE...I won't do it again! Haha!!


  1. I am so so happy for you hun I am glad that you accomplished what you wanted diabetes gone and even better the girls

  2. Glad you wrote this out :) I enjoyed reading it. You will be glad to read it down the road too! Love ya Mama!
